• filter spamtrap
  • -
  • filter spf
  • OpenSMTPD SPF filter

    OpenSMTPD filter to enforce the Sender Policy Framework.


    Go >= 1.22 is required.

    git clone https://netsend.nl/opensmtpd-filter-spf.git
    cd opensmtpd-filter-spf
    go build -o filter-spf


    Execute the following as the superuser.
    install -m555 -gbin filter-spf /usr/local/libexec/smtpd/
    useradd -d /var/empty -s /sbin/nologin _spf
    Define the filter and add it to your listen directives.


    filter "spf" proc-exec "filter-spf" user _spf
    listen on egress filter { spf }

    Code and repository

    Browse the source code here or on GitHub or clone the repository:

    $ git clone https://netsend.nl/opensmtpd-filter-spf.git