WIRESEP.CONF(5) File Formats Manual WIRESEP.CONF(5)

wiresep.confWireSep configuration file

wiresep.conf is the configuration file used by wiresep(8). The file consists of global settings, interface specific settings and peer specific settings. All global settings can be overridden per interface and some global and interface specific settings can be overridden per peer.

The following global settings are recognized:

Set the group as which to run wiresep(8). name must be either the name of an existing group from the group(5) database or an id in the range of 1 to 65535. If not set it defaults to the primary group of the effective user.
name {...}
The name of an interface. name must start with “tun” followed by a number. The named interface must exist in /dev. See the section about interface specific settings for what can be contained in the block.
Set the log facility as used by syslog(3). facility must be one of auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, user, uucp or local0 through local7.
The name of a file that contains a pre-shared key for global use with all peers on all interfaces. The use of a pre-shared key is optional. If the file /etc/wiresep/global.psk exists it is automatically used. This setting can be overridden per interface and per peer. wiresep-keygen(1) can be used to generate a pre-shared key.
Set the user as which to run wiresep(8). name must be either the name of an existing user in the passwd(5) database or an id in the range of 1 to 65535. If a name is specified the primary group of this user will be used as the group of the process. If an id is specified for name then the group of the process will be set to the same id. If not set it defaults to the user “_wiresep”.

The following interface specific settings are recognized:

A descriptive text for the interface as showed by ifconfig(8). If not set it defaults to the public key of the interface.
The ip address and mask of the interface in CIDR notation. This setting is required since configuration via hostname.if(5) is not yet supported. It may be set multiple times.
The ip address and port on which to listen for encrypted incoming packets. This setting is optional and determines whether to operate in server or client-only mode. It may be set multiple times.
The name of a file that contains the private key for this interface. If not set the default path of the private key is /etc/wiresep/tunN.privkey where tunN is the name of the interface. A private key can be generated with wiresep-keygen(1).
[name] {...}
A peer with an optional name followed by a required block containing peer specific settings. name is used in the logs. If it is not set the first eight characters of the peers public key are used. See the section about peer specific settings for what can be contained in the block.
The name of a file that contains a pre-shared key for communication with all peers on this interface. The use of a pre-shared key is optional. If the file /etc/wiresep/tunN.psk exists it is automatically used, where tunN is the name of the interface. An interface specific pre-shared key overrides any global pskfile. wiresep-keygen(1) can be used to generate a pre-shared key.

Note that all global settings can be used within an interface block to override the global setting.

The following peer specific settings are recognized:

The ip addresses that this peer is allowed to use as a source address. means any IPv4 address. ::/0 means any IPv6 address. * is a shorthand for ::/0 This setting is required and may be set multiple times.
A known endpoint for this peer.
The name of a file that contains a pre-shared key for communication with this peer. The use of a pre-shared key is optional. If the file /etc/wiresep/tunN.peername.psk or /etc/wiresep/peername.psk exists it is automatically used, where tunN is the name of the interface and peername is the name of this peer. A peer specific pre-shared key overrides any global or interface specific pskfile. wiresep-keygen(1) can be used to generate a pre-shared key.
The peers public key. This setting is required.

What follows is an example of a configuration of a server that is listening on the public ip port 1022. It uses the tun0 device with the internal ip addresses 2001:db8::7 and and allows communication with the peer Jane and Joe. Jane is allowed to use any source ip, while Joe may only use 2001:db8::4 or as the source ip of his packets. The private key for the tun0 interface can be generated with wiresep-keygen tun0. Furthermore, with Joe a peer specific pre-shared key is used for quantum-proof encryption by simply creating a pre-shared key using the wiresep-keygen -s tun0 joe command.

The content of /etc/wiresep/wiresep.conf looks as follows:

interface tun0 {
	ifaddr 2001:db8::7/126


	peer jane {
		pubkey BhyBpDfD7joIPPpjBW/g/Wdhiu3iVOzQhKodbsLqJ3A=
		allowedips *

	peer joe {
		pubkey AhyBpDfD7joIPPpjBW/g/Wdhiu3iVOzQhKodbsLqJ3A=
		allowedips 2001:db8::4

Note that /etc/hostname.tun0 should not be created as wiresep(8) should do the setup and teardown of the interface by itself.

wiresep-keygen(1), wiresep(8)

Tim Kuijsten

Currently the use of hostname.if(5) or manual creation of the tunnel interface using ifconfig(8) is not well-tested and it is recommended to let wiresep(8) do the setup and teardown of the interface.

April 2, 2020 OpenBSD 6.6