/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, 2020 Tim Kuijsten * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose * with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base64.h" #include "util.h" #include "wiresep.h" #include "parseconfig.h" #define B64KEYLEN 44 #define MAXLISTEN6 40 #define MAXLISTEN4 40 /* global settings */ static char *guser, *ggroup, *gpskfile; static wskey gpsk; static uid_t guid; static gid_t ggid; static const char *logfacilitystr = "daemon"; static int logfacility; static const wskey nullkey; static const wskey basepoint = {9}; static struct cfgifn **ifnv; static size_t ifnvsize; /* * Create a new "member" of size "membersize" and add it to "arr". Exit on * failure. */ static void xaddone(void ***arr, size_t *curmemcount, void **member, size_t membersize) { *arr = recallocarray(*arr, *curmemcount, *curmemcount + 1, sizeof(char *)); if (*arr == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig %s recallocarray error", __func__); if ((*member = calloc(1, membersize)) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig %s calloc error", __func__); (*arr)[*curmemcount] = *member; (*curmemcount)++; } /* * Parse an IPv4 or IPv6 address with port. * * Return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int parseaddrport(struct sockaddr_storage *addr, const char *str) { char *a, *colon, *s; if ((s = strdup(str)) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig %s strdup error", __func__); if ((colon = strrchr(s, ':')) == NULL) goto err; *colon = '\0'; if (strcmp(s, "*") == 0) { a = NULL; } else { a = s; } /* remove brackets */ if (a && *a == '[') { if (*(colon - 1) != ']') goto err; a++; *(colon - 1) = '\0'; } if (strtoaddr(addr, a, colon + 1, AI_PASSIVE) != 0) goto err; free(s); s = NULL; return 0; err: free(s); s = NULL; return -1; } /* * Parse an IPv4 or IPv6 address in CIDR notation. * * Return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int parseipcidr(struct sockaddr_storage *ip, size_t *prefixlen, const char *str) { const char *errstr; char *slash, *s; if ((s = strdup(str)) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig %s strdup error", __func__); slash = strchr(s, '/'); if (slash) { *slash = '\0'; *prefixlen = strtonum(slash + 1, 0, 128, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) goto err; } if (strtoaddr(ip, s, NULL, AI_NUMERICHOST | AI_PASSIVE) != 0) goto err; if (!slash) { /* use default prefixlen */ if (ip->ss_family == AF_INET6) { *prefixlen = 128; } else if (ip->ss_family == AF_INET) { *prefixlen = 32; } else goto err; } free(s); s = NULL; return 0; err: free(s); s = NULL; return -1; } /* * Parse "path" for a base64 key and place it in "key". * * Empty lines or lines starting with a hash '#' are ignored. Also any text * after a key is ignored. * * Returns 1 if a key is set, 0 if no key is found and -1 on error with errno * set. */ static int parsekeyfile(wskey key, const char *path) { char *line; size_t len, lineno, s; int rc; FILE *fp; s = 0; rc = 0; lineno = 0; line = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(path, "re")) == NULL) { /* errno set */ warn("could not open key file %s", path); return -1; } if (!isfdsafe(fileno(fp), 0600)) { warnx("%s: must be owned by the superuser and may not be " "readable or writable by the group or others", path); rc = -1; goto cleanup; } while (getline(&line, &s, fp) > 0) { lineno++; len = strcspn(line, "\n"); if (len == 0) continue; if (line[0] == '#') continue; line[len] = '\0'; if (len < B64KEYLEN) { warnx("%s error on line %zu: illegal key", path, lineno); errno = EINVAL; rc = -1; goto cleanup; } if (len > B64KEYLEN && !isblank(line[B64KEYLEN])) { warnx("%s error on line %zu: keys and comments must be " "separated by a space or tab", path, lineno); errno = EINVAL; rc = -1; goto cleanup; } /* ignore everything following the key */ line[B64KEYLEN] = '\0'; if (base64_pton(line, key, KEYLEN) == -1) { errno = EINVAL; rc = -1; goto cleanup; } rc = 1; goto cleanup; } cleanup: free(line); if (ferror(fp)) { warn("error reading %s", path); rc = -1; } if (fclose(fp) == EOF) { warn("error closing %s", path); rc = -1; } return rc; } /* * Input must be a nul terminated Base64 or hexadecimal string containing a 256 * bit key. * * Return -1 on error. */ static int parsekey(wskey dst, const char *src, size_t srcsize) { if (srcsize == 64) { if (readhexnomem(dst, KEYLEN, src, 64) == -1) return -1; } else if (srcsize == 44) { if (base64_pton(src, dst, KEYLEN) == -1) return -1; } else return -1; return 0; } /* * Try to load a private or pre-shared key from a default path. * * If both "ifname" and "peername" are not NULL an interface bound peer specific * per-shared key is tried. * If "ifname" and "peername" are both NULL the default path for a global pre- * shared key is tried. * If "ifname" is NULL and "peername" is not NULL a peer specific pre-shared key * is tried. * If "peername" is NULL and "ifname" is not NULL an interface key path is * tried. In this case "ext" indicates whether to try a private key or a pre- * shared key by being either "privkey" or "psk", respectively. * * Returns 1 if a key was found and parsed into "out". * Returns 0 if the default path existed and had no syntax errors, but alsno no * key. * Returns -1 if an error occurred while opening the default path, errno will be * set to any error that open(2) can set. * Returns -2 if parsekeyfile() returned an error, in this case errno will *not* * be set. * Returns -3 if "ext" is not one of NULL, "psk" or "privkey". * * Exits on asprintf(3) error. */ static int xtrydefaultkey(wskey out, const char *ifname, const char *peername, const char *ext) { char *defaultkeypath; int d, rc; if (ifname && peername) { if (asprintf(&defaultkeypath, "/etc/wiresep/%s.%s.psk", ifname, peername) < 0) errx(1, "could not allocate default interface bound " "peer specific key path"); } else if (ifname) { if (ext == NULL) return -3; if (strcmp(ext, "psk") != 0 && strcmp(ext, "privkey") != 0) return -3; if (asprintf(&defaultkeypath, "/etc/wiresep/%s.%s", ifname, ext) < 0) errx(1, "could not allocate default interface specific " "key path"); } else if (peername) { if (asprintf(&defaultkeypath, "/etc/wiresep/%s.psk", peername) < 0) errx(1, "could not allocate default peer specific key " "path"); } else { if (asprintf(&defaultkeypath, "/etc/wiresep/global.psk") < 0) errx(1, "could not allocate default peer specific key " "path"); } d = open(defaultkeypath, O_RDONLY); if (d == -1) { /* errno set */ free(defaultkeypath); return -1; } else { close(d); rc = parsekeyfile(out, defaultkeypath); if (rc == 1) { if (verbose > 0) warnx("key loaded: %s", defaultkeypath); } else { warnx("could not load key: %s", defaultkeypath); } free(defaultkeypath); if (rc == -1) return -2; return rc; } } /* * Get the number of the name of a tunnel interface. * * Returns the number of the tunnel interface on success, or -1 on failure. */ static int gettunnum(const char *name) { int tunnum; char c; if (sscanf(name, "tun%d%c", &tunnum, &c) != 1) return -1; return tunnum; } /* * Make sure the interface name is in the form tunDDD where DDD is one to three * digits. * * Return 1 if valid, 0 if invalid. */ static int validinterfacename(const char *name) { if (gettunnum(name) == -1) return 0; return 1; } /* * Make sure the peer name contains no non-graphical characters, no '/' and * does not constitute an interface name or the word "global". * * Return 1 if valid, 0 if invalid. */ static int validpeername(const char *name) { size_t i, len; len = strlen(name); if (len == 0) return 0; if (strcasecmp(name, "global") == 0) return 0; if (validinterfacename(name)) return 0; /* no path separators */ if (strchr(name, '/') != NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!isgraph(name[i])) return 0; return 1; } /* * Parse a peer config. * * Return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int parsepeerconfig(struct cfgpeer *peer, const struct scfge *cfg, int peernumber, const struct cfgifn *ifn) { struct cfgcidraddr *allowedip; struct scfge *subcfg; const char *key, *peerid; size_t i, j; int e, rc, explicitpeername; if (cfg == NULL || cfg->strvsize < 1) return -1; if (strcasecmp("peer", cfg->strv[0]) != 0) return -1; explicitpeername = 0; /* * Use optional peer name or a default until the public key is * encountered. */ if (cfg->strvsize >= 2) { if (validpeername(cfg->strv[1])) { strlcpy(peer->name, cfg->strv[1], sizeof(peer->name)); explicitpeername = 1; } else { warnx("%s: invalid peer name. Peer name may not be the " "word \"global\", be an interface name, contain a " "'/' or any non-graphical character", peer->name); e = 1; } } else { snprintf(peer->name, sizeof(peer->name), "peer%d", peernumber); } peerid = peer->name; e = 0; for (i = 0; i < cfg->entryvsize; i++) { subcfg = cfg->entryv[i]; if (subcfg->strvsize < 1) { assert(subcfg->entryvsize > 0); warnx("%s: no blocks allowed in a peer block", peerid); e = 1; continue; } key = subcfg->strv[0]; if (key == NULL) { assert(subcfg->entryvsize > 0); warnx("%s: peer block may not contain another " "block", peerid); e = 1; continue; } if (subcfg->entryvsize > 0) { warnx("%s: %s may not have a block associated", peerid, key); e = 1; /* check other keywords */ } if (strcasecmp("pubkey", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s missing public key", peerid, key); e = 1; continue; } if (parsekey(peer->pubkey, subcfg->strv[1], strlen(subcfg->strv[1])) == -1) { warnx("peer public key must be Base64 or " "hexadecimal"); return -1; } if (cfg->strvsize < 2) { /* Use public key as peer name since the user * did not provide a name */ strlcpy(peer->name, subcfg->strv[1], sizeof(peer->name)); } } else if (strcasecmp("endpoint", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must have an address and port " "separated by a colon", peerid, key); e = 1; continue; } if (parseaddrport(&peer->fsa, subcfg->strv[1]) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s parse error: %s. Make sure the " "address and port are separated by a colon" , peerid, key, subcfg->strv[1]); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("allowedips", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize < 2) { warnx("%s: %s must contain at least one " "ip/mask", peerid, key); e = 1; continue; } for (j = 1; j < subcfg->strvsize; j++) { if (strcmp(subcfg->strv[j], "*") == 0) { xaddone((void ***)&peer->allowedips, &peer->allowedipssize, (void **)&allowedip, sizeof(*allowedip)); if (parseipcidr(&allowedip->addr, &allowedip->prefixlen, "") == -1) abort(); xaddone((void ***)&peer->allowedips, &peer->allowedipssize, (void **)&allowedip, sizeof(*allowedip)); if (parseipcidr(&allowedip->addr, &allowedip->prefixlen, "::/0") == -1) abort(); } else { xaddone((void ***)&peer->allowedips, &peer->allowedipssize, (void **)&allowedip, sizeof(*allowedip)); if (parseipcidr(&allowedip->addr, &allowedip->prefixlen, subcfg->strv[j]) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s could not parse " "ip: %s", peerid, key, subcfg->strv[j]); e = 1; continue; } } } } else if (strcasecmp("psk", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must have a value", peerid, key); e = 1; continue; } if (parsekey(peer->psk, subcfg->strv[1], strlen(subcfg->strv[1])) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s could not parse pre-sharedkey", peerid, key); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("pskfile", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s path missing", peerid, key); e = 1; continue; } if ((peer->pskfile = strdup(subcfg->strv[1])) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig strdup error peer pskfile"); } else { warnx("%s: %s invalid keyword in peer scope", peerid, key); e = 1; } } /* * Ensure defaults. */ if (memcmp(peer->psk, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) { if (peer->pskfile != NULL) { rc = parsekeyfile(peer->psk, peer->pskfile); if (rc == -1) { warnx("%s: could not parse peer pskfile: %s", peerid, peer->pskfile); e = 1; } else if (rc == 0) { warnx("%s: could not find a key in peer pskfile" ": %s", peerid, peer->pskfile); e = 1; } } else if (explicitpeername) { /* * Look for an interface bound peer specific pre-shared * key. */ rc = xtrydefaultkey(peer->psk, ifn->ifname, peer->name, NULL); if (rc == 1) { /* key loaded! */ } else if ((rc == -1 && errno == ENOENT) || rc == 0) { /* * No key found, try a global peer specific key. */ rc = xtrydefaultkey(peer->psk, NULL, peer->name, NULL); if (rc == 1) { /* key loaded! */ } else if (rc == 0) { /* no key found, be silent */ } else if (rc == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { /* no key found, be silent */ } else if (rc == -1) { warn("could not load default peer " "specific pre-shared key file: %s", peer->name); e = 1; } else if (rc == -2) { warnx("could not parse default peer " "specific pre-shared key file: %s", peer->name); e = 1; } else if (rc == -3) { warnx("xtrydefaultkey peer pre-shared " "key file error %s", peer->name); e = 1; } } else if (rc == -1 && errno != ENOENT) { warn("could not load default interface bound " "peer specific pre-shared key file: %s %s", ifn->ifname, peer->name); e = 1; } else if (rc == -2) { warnx("could not parse default interface bound" " peer specific pre-shared key file: %s %s", ifn->ifname, peer->name); e = 1; } else if (rc == -3) { warnx("%s: xtrydefaultkey peer pre-shared key " "file error %s", ifn->ifname, peer->name); e = 1; } } } /* if still no pre-shared key, try to use the default one */ if (memcmp(peer->psk, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) memcpy(peer->psk, ifn->psk, sizeof(wskey)); if (peer->allowedipssize == 0) { warnx("%s: allowedips missing", peerid); e = 1; } if (memcmp(peer->pubkey, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) { warnx("%s: pubkey missing", peerid); e = 1; } if (e != 0) return -1; return 0; } /* * Parse all interface configs. "ifnv" must be pre-allocated. * * In a first pass determine all interface settings and in a second pass * parse all peer specific settings. * * Return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int parseinterfaceconfigs(void) { struct scfge *subcfg; struct cfgifn *ifn; struct cfgpeer *peer; struct cfgcidraddr *ifaddr; struct sockaddr_storage listenaddr; struct sockaddr_in6 *laddrs6; struct sockaddr_in *laddrs4; struct stat st; const char *key; char tundevpath[29]; size_t i, j, n; int e, rc, tunnum; e = 0; for (n = 0; n < ifnvsize; n++) { ifn = ifnv[n]; if (ifn->scfge->strvsize != 2) { warnx("interface keyword must be followed by the" " interface name and then a block"); e = 1; continue; } assert(strcasecmp("interface", ifn->scfge->strv[0]) == 0); tunnum = gettunnum(ifn->scfge->strv[1]); if (tunnum == -1) { warnx("interface name must be a device name like tun0 " "or tun2: %s", ifn->scfge->strv[1]); e = 1; continue; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (ifnv[i]->ifname && strcmp(ifn->scfge->strv[1], ifnv[i]->ifname) == 0) { warnx("interface name is not unique: %s", ifn->scfge->strv[1]); e = 1; continue; } } if (snprintf(tundevpath, sizeof(tundevpath), "/dev/%s", ifn->scfge->strv[1]) < 9) errx(1, "snprintf error tundevpath"); if (stat(tundevpath, &st) == -1) { warn("stat error %s", tundevpath); e = 1; continue; } if (st.st_uid != 0) { warnx("%s: not owned by the superuser", tundevpath); e = 1; continue; } if (!S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) { warnx("%s: not a device file", tundevpath); e = 1; continue; } if ((ifn->ifname = strdup(ifn->scfge->strv[1])) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig strdup error ifname"); for (i = 0; i < ifn->scfge->entryvsize; i++) { subcfg = ifn->scfge->entryv[i]; if (subcfg->strvsize < 1) { assert(subcfg->entryvsize > 0); warnx("%s: blocks within an interface block " "must be prefixed with a peer key", ifn->ifname); e = 1; continue; } key = subcfg->strv[0]; if (strcasecmp("peer", key) != 0) { if (subcfg->entryvsize > 0) { warnx("%s: %s may not have a block " "associated", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; /* check other keywords first */ } } if (strcasecmp("user", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must contain one name " "or uid", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } if (resolveuser(&ifn->uid, &ifn->gid, subcfg->strv[1]) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s invalid: %s", ifn->ifname, key, subcfg->strv[1]); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("group", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must contain one name " "or gid", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } if (resolvegroup(&ifn->gid, subcfg->strv[1]) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s invalid: %s", ifn->ifname, key, subcfg->strv[1]); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("ifaddr", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize < 2) { warnx("%s: %s must have at least" " one argument", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } for (j = 1; j < subcfg->strvsize; j++) { xaddone((void ***)&ifn->ifaddrs, &ifn->ifaddrssize, (void **)&ifaddr, sizeof(*ifaddr)); if (parseipcidr(&ifaddr->addr, &ifaddr->prefixlen, subcfg->strv[j]) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s could not " "parse interface address: " "%s", ifn->ifname, key, subcfg->strv[j]); e = 1; continue; } } } else if (strcasecmp("psk", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must have a value", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } if (parsekey(ifn->psk, subcfg->strv[1], strlen(subcfg->strv[1])) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s could not parse the " "interface pre-sharedkey", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("pskfile", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s path missing", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } if ((ifn->pskfile = strdup(subcfg->strv[1])) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig strdup error ifn " "pskfile"); } else if (strcasecmp("privkey", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must have a value", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } if (parsekey(ifn->privkey, subcfg->strv[1], strlen(subcfg->strv[1])) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s could not parse the " "interface private key", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("privkeyfile", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s path missing", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } if ((ifn->privkeyfile = strdup(subcfg->strv[1])) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig strdup error ifn " "privkeyfile"); } else if (strcasecmp("desc", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must have a value", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } if ((ifn->ifdesc = strdup(subcfg->strv[1])) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig strdup error " "ifdesc"); } else if (strcasecmp("listen", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize < 2) { warnx("%s: %s must have at least one " "address and port, separated by a " "colon", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; continue; } for (j = 1; j < subcfg->strvsize; j++) { if (parseaddrport(&listenaddr, subcfg->strv[j]) == -1) { warnx("%s: %s parse error: %s. Make " "sure the address and port are " "separated by a colon", ifn->ifname, key, subcfg->strv[j]); e = 1; continue; } if (listenaddr.ss_family == AF_INET6) { laddrs6 = reallocarray(ifn->laddrs6, ifn->laddrs6count + 1, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)); if (laddrs6 == NULL) { warn("%s: %s " "reallocarray error" " %s", ifn->ifname, key, subcfg->strv[j]); e = 1; continue; } memcpy(&laddrs6[ifn->laddrs6count], &listenaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)); ifn->laddrs6 = laddrs6; ifn->laddrs6count++; } else if (listenaddr.ss_family == AF_INET) { laddrs4 = reallocarray(ifn->laddrs4, ifn->laddrs4count + 1, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (laddrs4 == NULL) { warn("%s: %s " "reallocarray error" " %s", ifn->ifname, key, subcfg->strv[j]); e = 1; continue; } memcpy(&laddrs4[ifn->laddrs4count], &listenaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); ifn->laddrs4 = laddrs4; ifn->laddrs4count++; } else { warn("%s: %s " "specify an IPv6 or IPv4 " "address %s", ifn->ifname, key, subcfg->strv[j]); e = 1; continue; } } } else if (strcasecmp("peer", key) == 0) { /* * Skip for now, first process all interface * keywords. */ } else { warnx("%s: %s invalid keyword in interface " "scope", ifn->ifname, key); e = 1; } } /* * Ensure defaults. */ if (memcmp(ifn->psk, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) { if (ifn->pskfile != NULL) { rc = parsekeyfile(ifn->psk, ifn->pskfile); if (rc == -1) { warnx("%s: could not parse interface " "pskfile", ifn->pskfile); e = 1; } else if (rc == 0) { warnx("%s: could not find a key in " "interface pskfile", ifn->pskfile); e = 1; } } else if (ifn->ifname) { /* * Look for an interface pre-shared key. */ rc = xtrydefaultkey(ifn->psk, ifn->ifname, NULL, "psk"); if (rc == 1) { /* key loaded! */ } else if (rc == 0) { /* no key found, be silent */ } else if (rc == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { /* no key found, be silent */ } else if (rc == -1) { warn("%s: could not load default " "interface pre-shared key file", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } else if (rc == -2) { warnx("%s: could not parse default " "interface pre-shared key file", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } else if (rc == -3) { warnx("%s: xtrydefaultkey pre-shared " "key file error", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } } } /* if still no pre-shared key, try to use a global one */ if (memcmp(ifn->psk, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) memcpy(ifn->psk, gpsk, sizeof(wskey)); if (memcmp(ifn->privkey, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) { if (ifn->privkeyfile != NULL) { rc = parsekeyfile(ifn->privkey, ifn->privkeyfile); if (rc == -1) { warnx("%s: could not parse interface " "privkeyfile", ifn->privkeyfile); e = 1; } else if (rc == 0) { warnx("%s: could not find a key in " "interface privkeyfile", ifn->privkeyfile); e = 1; } } else if (ifn->ifname) { /* * Look for an interface private key. */ rc = xtrydefaultkey(ifn->privkey, ifn->ifname, NULL, "privkey"); if (rc == 1) { /* key loaded! */ } else if (rc == 0) { /* no key found, be silent */ } else if (rc == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { warnx("/etc/wiresep/%s.privkey does not" " exist. Either run\n`wiresep-keygen" " %s` or set the configuration " "directive \"privkeyfile\".", ifn->ifname, ifn->ifname); e = 1; } else if (rc == -1) { warn("%s: could not load default " "interface private key file", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } else if (rc == -2) { warnx("%s: could not parse default " "interface private key file", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } else if (rc == -3) { warnx("%s: xtrydefaultkey private " "key file error", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } } } if (ifn->uid == 0) ifn->uid = guid; if (ifn->gid == 0) ifn->gid = ggid; /* * Check requirements. */ if (ifn->ifname == NULL) { warnx("interface device name missing"); e = 1; } if (memcmp(ifn->privkey, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) { warnx("private key for %s could not be loaded", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } else { /* calculate public key */ if (X25519(ifn->pubkey, ifn->privkey, basepoint) == 0) { warnx("%s: could determine the interface public" " key", ifn->ifname); e = 1; } } /* default interface description to the public key */ if (memcmp(ifn->pubkey, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) != 0) { if (ifn->ifdesc == NULL) { if ((ifn->ifdesc = calloc(1, MAXIFNDESC)) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig calloc error " "ifdesc"); if (base64_ntop(ifn->pubkey, KEYLEN, ifn->ifdesc, MAXIFNDESC) == -1) return -1; } } /* * Now that the whole interface is processed, process all peers. */ for (i = 0; i < ifn->scfge->entryvsize; i++) { subcfg = ifn->scfge->entryv[i]; if (subcfg->strvsize < 1 || strcasecmp("peer", subcfg->strv[0]) != 0) continue; if (subcfg->strvsize > 2) { warnx("%s: %s extra peer information must be " "grouped in a block \"peer %s %s\"", ifn->ifname, "peer", subcfg->strv[1], subcfg->strv[2]); e = 1; continue; } xaddone((void ***)&ifn->peers, &ifn->peerssize, (void **)&peer, sizeof(*peer)); if (parsepeerconfig(peer, subcfg, ifn->peerssize, ifn) == -1) { e = 1; continue; } } if (ifn->laddrs6count > MAXLISTEN6 || ifn->laddrs4count > MAXLISTEN4) { warnx("%s: only %d v6 and %d v4 addressess may be " "configured", ifn->ifname, MAXLISTEN6, MAXLISTEN4); e = 1; } if (ifn->peerssize == 0) warnx("%s: has no peers configured", ifn->ifname); if (e) continue; /* * TODO if a wildcard is used, resolve all addresses on all * interfaces. For now just print a warning. */ for (i = 0; i < ifn->laddrs6count; i++) { if (memcmp(&ifn->laddrs6[i].sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof in6addr_any) == 0 && ntohs(ifn->laddrs6[i].sin6_port) >= IPPORT_RESERVED) warnx("using a wildcard address with a non-" "reserved port makes us vulnerable to a DoS" " by a local system user"); } for (i = 0; i < ifn->laddrs4count; i++) { if (ifn->laddrs4[i].sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY && ntohs(ifn->laddrs4[i].sin_port) >= IPPORT_RESERVED) warnx("using a wildcard address with a non-" "reserved port makes us vulnerable to a DoS" " by a local system user"); } /* unlink */ ifn->scfge = NULL; } if (e != 0) return -1; return 0; } /* * Parse the complete comfig and allocate new ifn structures in "ifnv". * * In a first pass determine all global settings and in a second pass * create interfaces with peer specific settings. * * Return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int parseconfig(const struct scfge *root) { struct scfge *subcfg; struct cfgifn *ifn; const char *key; size_t n; int e, rc; e = 0; for (n = 0; n < root->entryvsize; n++) { subcfg = scfg->entryv[n]; if (subcfg->strvsize < 1) { assert(subcfg->entryvsize > 0); warnx("each global block must be prefixed with an " "interface name"); e = 1; continue; } key = subcfg->strv[0]; if (strcasecmp("interface", key) != 0) { if (subcfg->entryvsize > 0) { warnx("global %s may not have a block " "associated", key); e = 1; /* check other keywords first */ } } if (strcasecmp("log", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 3) { warnx("%s: %s must contain one facility or file" " name", "global", key); e = 1; continue; } /* * Second level must be a log facility, we might * support "file" in the future. */ if (strcasecmp(subcfg->strv[1], "facility") == 0) { if (facilitystrtoint(&logfacility, subcfg->strv[2]) == -1) { warnx("%s: invalid log facility: %s", "global", subcfg->strv[2]); e = 1; continue; } if ((logfacilitystr = strdup(subcfg->strv[2])) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig strdup error log " "facility"); } else if (strcasecmp(subcfg->strv[1], "file") == 0) { /* XXX */ warnx("%s: %s file not implemented", "global", key); e = 1; continue; } else { warnx("%s: %s must define a facility", "global", key); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("user", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must contain one name " "or uid", "global", key); e = 1; continue; } if (guser) { warnx("global user can be set only once"); e = 1; continue; } guser = subcfg->strv[1]; } else if (strcasecmp("group", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s must contain one name " "or gid", "global", key); e = 1; continue; } if (ggroup != NULL) { warnx("global group can be set only once"); e = 1; continue; } ggroup = subcfg->strv[1]; } else if (strcasecmp("psk", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("psk must have one value"); e = 1; continue; } if (memcmp(gpsk, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) != 0) { warnx("global psk can be set only once"); e = 1; continue; } if (parsekey(gpsk, subcfg->strv[1], strlen(subcfg->strv[1])) == -1) { warnx("could not parse the global " "pre-sharedkey"); e = 1; continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("pskfile", key) == 0) { if (subcfg->strvsize != 2) { warnx("%s: %s path missing", "global", key); e = 1; continue; } if ((gpskfile = strdup(subcfg->strv[1])) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig strdup error global " "pskfile"); } else if (strcasecmp("interface", key) == 0) { xaddone((void ***)&ifnv, &ifnvsize, (void **)&ifn, sizeof(*ifn)); ifn->scfge = subcfg; } else { warnx("invalid keyword in the global scope: %s", key); e = 1; } } /* * Ensure defaults. */ if (memcmp(gpsk, nullkey, sizeof(wskey)) == 0) { if (gpskfile != NULL) { rc = parsekeyfile(gpsk, gpskfile); if (rc == -1) { warnx("%s: could not parse global pskfile", gpskfile); e = 1; } else if (rc == 0) { warnx("%s: could not find a key in global " "pskfile", gpskfile); e = 1; } } else { /* * Look for a global pre-shared key. */ rc = xtrydefaultkey(gpsk, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc == 1) { /* key loaded! */ } else if (rc == 0) { /* no key found, be silent */ } else if (rc == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { /* no key found, be silent */ } else if (rc == -1) { warn("could not load default global pre-shared " "key file"); e = 1; } else if (rc == -2) { warnx("could not parse default global pre-" "shared key file"); e = 1; } else if (rc == -3) { warnx("xtrydefaultkey global pre-shared key " "file error"); e = 1; } } } if (!guser) guser = DFLUSER; if (resolveuser(&guid, &ggid, guser) == -1) { warnx("global: user invalid: %s", guser); e = 1; } /* override the group if it is explicitly set */ if (ggroup) { if (resolvegroup(&ggid, ggroup) == -1) { warnx("global: group invalid: %s", ggroup); e = 1; } } /* * Check requirements. */ if (guid == 0) { warnx("global user id may not be 0"); e = 1; } if (ggid == 0) { warnx("global group id may not be 0"); e = 1; } if (parseinterfaceconfigs() == -1) e = 1; if (e != 0) return -1; return 0; } /* * Read a config from a file-descriptor and parse it. On success, the result is * stored in "rifnv", "rifnvsize", "unprivuid", "unprivgid" and * "rlogfacilitystr". * * yyparse creates a tree of scfg entries. * * Return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int parseconfigfd(int fd, struct cfgifn ***rifnv, size_t *rifnvsize, uid_t *unprivuid, gid_t *unprivgid, char **rlogfacilitystr) { yyd = fd; if (yyparse() != 0) return -1; if (parseconfig(scfg) == -1) return -1; scfg_clear(); *rifnv = ifnv; *rifnvsize = ifnvsize; *unprivuid = guid; *unprivgid = ggid; if ((*rlogfacilitystr = strdup(logfacilitystr)) == NULL) err(1, "parseconfig %s strdup error", __func__); return 0; } /* * Create a list of interfaces plus some global settings. Note that secrets like * private keys remain in memory after parsing the configuration so a re-exec(3) * is required for safe operation. * * Exit on error. */ void xparseconfigfile(const char *filename, struct cfgifn ***rifnv, size_t *rifnvsize, uid_t *unprivuid, gid_t *unprivgid, char **rlogfacilitystr) { int fd; if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC)) == -1) err(1, "could not open %s for reading", filename); if (!isfdsafe(fd, 0644)) errx(1, "%s must be owned by the superuser and may not be " "writable by the group or others", filename); if (parseconfigfd(fd, rifnv, rifnvsize, unprivuid, unprivgid, rlogfacilitystr) == -1) errx(1, "error while parsing %s", filename); if (close(fd) == -1) err(1, "close error %s", filename); } /* * Load private keys of all interfaces, determine public key and mac1key. */ void processconfig(void) { struct cfgpeer *peer; size_t n, m; for (n = 0; n < ifnvsize; n++) { if (ws_calcmac1key(ifnv[n]->mac1key, ifnv[n]->pubkey) == -1) errx(1, "ws_calcmac1key %zu", n); if (ws_calcpubkeyhash(ifnv[n]->pubkeyhash, ifnv[n]->pubkey) == -1) errx(1, "ws_calcpubkeyhash %zu", n); for (m = 0; m < ifnv[n]->peerssize; m++) { peer = ifnv[n]->peers[m]; if (ws_calcmac1key(peer->mac1key, peer->pubkey) == -1) errx(1, "ws_calcmac1key %zu %zu", n, m); } } } /* * Send interface info to the proxy. * * "mast2prox" is used to send the config from this process to the proxy * process. * "proxwithencl" is the descriptor the proxy process must use to communicate * with the enclave. * * The descriptors the proxy process must use to communicate with * each ifn process are in each ifn structure. * * SINIT * SIFN * * Exit on error. */ void sendconfig_proxy(union smsg smsg, int mast2prox, int proxwithencl) { struct cfgifn *ifn; size_t m, n; memset(&smsg.init, 0, sizeof(smsg.init)); smsg.init.background = background; smsg.init.verbose = verbose; smsg.init.uid = guid; smsg.init.gid = ggid; smsg.init.enclport = proxwithencl; smsg.init.nifns = ifnvsize; if (wire_sendmsg(mast2prox, SINIT, &smsg.init, sizeof(smsg.init)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SINIT", __func__); for (n = 0; n < ifnvsize; n++) { ifn = ifnv[n]; memset(&smsg.ifn, 0, sizeof(smsg.ifn)); smsg.ifn.ifnid = n; smsg.ifn.ifnport = ifn->proxwithifn; smsg.ifn.laddr6count = ifn->laddrs6count; smsg.ifn.laddr4count = ifn->laddrs4count; snprintf(smsg.ifn.ifname, sizeof(smsg.ifn.ifname), "%s", ifn->ifname); /* don't send interface description to proxy, no public keys in * the proxy process has small benefits because they're * semi-trusted in wireguard. */ memcpy(smsg.ifn.mac1key, ifn->mac1key, sizeof(smsg.ifn.mac1key)); memcpy(smsg.ifn.cookiekey, ifn->cookiekey, sizeof(smsg.ifn.cookiekey)); smsg.ifn.npeers = ifn->peerssize; if (wire_sendmsg(mast2prox, SIFN, &smsg.ifn, sizeof(smsg.ifn)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SIFN", __func__); /* send listen addresses */ for (m = 0; m < ifn->laddrs6count; m++) { memset(&smsg.cidraddr, 0, sizeof smsg.cidraddr); smsg.cidraddr.ifnid = n; memcpy(&smsg.cidraddr.addr, &ifn->laddrs6[m], sizeof ifn->laddrs6[m]); if (wire_sendmsg(mast2prox, SCIDRADDR, &smsg.cidraddr, sizeof smsg.cidraddr) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SCIDRADDR", __func__); } for (m = 0; m < ifn->laddrs4count; m++) { memset(&smsg.cidraddr, 0, sizeof smsg.cidraddr); smsg.cidraddr.ifnid = n; memcpy(&smsg.cidraddr.addr, &ifn->laddrs4[m], sizeof ifn->laddrs4[m]); if (wire_sendmsg(mast2prox, SCIDRADDR, &smsg.cidraddr, sizeof smsg.cidraddr) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SCIDRADDR", __func__); } } /* wait with end of startup signal */ explicit_bzero(&smsg, sizeof(smsg)); if (verbose > 2) logdebugx("config sent to proxy %d", mast2prox); } /* * Send interface info to the enclave. * * SINIT * SIFN * SPEER * * Exit on error. */ void sendconfig_enclave(union smsg smsg, int mast2encl, int enclwithprox) { struct cfgifn *ifn; struct cfgpeer *peer; size_t n, m; memset(&smsg.init, 0, sizeof(smsg.init)); smsg.init.background = background; smsg.init.verbose = verbose; smsg.init.uid = guid; smsg.init.gid = ggid; smsg.init.proxport = enclwithprox; smsg.init.nifns = ifnvsize; if (wire_sendmsg(mast2encl, SINIT, &smsg.init, sizeof(smsg.init)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SINIT", __func__); for (n = 0; n < ifnvsize; n++) { ifn = ifnv[n]; memset(&smsg.ifn, 0, sizeof(smsg.ifn)); smsg.ifn.ifnid = n; smsg.ifn.ifnport = ifn->enclwithifn; snprintf(smsg.ifn.ifname, sizeof(smsg.ifn.ifname), "%s", ifn->ifname); if (ifn->ifdesc && strlen(ifn->ifdesc) > 0) snprintf(smsg.ifn.ifdesc, sizeof(smsg.ifn.ifdesc), "%s", ifn->ifdesc); memcpy(smsg.ifn.privkey, ifn->privkey, sizeof(smsg.ifn.privkey)); memcpy(smsg.ifn.pubkey, ifn->pubkey, sizeof(smsg.ifn.pubkey)); memcpy(smsg.ifn.pubkeyhash, ifn->pubkeyhash, sizeof(smsg.ifn.pubkeyhash)); memcpy(smsg.ifn.mac1key, ifn->mac1key, sizeof(smsg.ifn.mac1key)); memcpy(smsg.ifn.cookiekey, ifn->cookiekey, sizeof(smsg.ifn.cookiekey)); smsg.ifn.npeers = ifn->peerssize; if (wire_sendmsg(mast2encl, SIFN, &smsg.ifn, sizeof(smsg.ifn)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SIFN", __func__); for (m = 0; m < ifn->peerssize; m++) { peer = ifn->peers[m]; memset(&smsg.peer, 0, sizeof(smsg.peer)); smsg.peer.ifnid = n; smsg.peer.peerid = m; memcpy(smsg.peer.psk, peer->psk, sizeof(smsg.peer.psk)); memcpy(smsg.peer.peerkey, peer->pubkey, sizeof(smsg.peer.peerkey)); memcpy(smsg.peer.mac1key, peer->mac1key, sizeof(smsg.peer.mac1key)); if (wire_sendmsg(mast2encl, SPEER, &smsg.peer, sizeof(smsg.peer)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SPEER %zu", __func__, m); } } /* wait with end of startup signal */ explicit_bzero(&smsg, sizeof(smsg)); if (verbose > 2) logdebugx("config sent to enclave %d", mast2encl); } /* * Send interface info to an ifn process. * * SINIT * SIFN * SPEER * SCIDRADDR * * Exit on error. */ void sendconfig_ifn(union smsg smsg, int ifnid) { struct cfgcidraddr *allowedip; struct cfgcidraddr *ifaddr; struct cfgifn *ifn; struct cfgpeer *peer; size_t m, n; if (ifnid < 0) logexitx(1, "%s", __func__); if ((size_t)ifnid >= ifnvsize) logexitx(1, "%s", __func__); ifn = ifnv[ifnid]; memset(&smsg.init, 0, sizeof(smsg.init)); smsg.init.background = background; smsg.init.verbose = verbose; smsg.init.uid = ifn->uid; smsg.init.gid = ifn->gid; smsg.init.enclport = ifn->ifnwithencl; smsg.init.proxport = ifn->ifnwithprox; if (wire_sendmsg(ifn->mastwithifn, SINIT, &smsg.init, sizeof(smsg.init)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SINIT %d", __func__, ifn->mastwithifn); memset(&smsg.ifn, 0, sizeof(smsg.ifn)); smsg.ifn.ifnid = ifnid; snprintf(smsg.ifn.ifname, sizeof(smsg.ifn.ifname), "%s", ifn->ifname); if (ifn->ifdesc && strlen(ifn->ifdesc) > 0) snprintf(smsg.ifn.ifdesc, sizeof(smsg.ifn.ifdesc), "%s", ifn->ifdesc); memcpy(smsg.ifn.mac1key, ifn->mac1key, sizeof(smsg.ifn.mac1key)); memcpy(smsg.ifn.cookiekey, ifn->cookiekey, sizeof(smsg.ifn.cookiekey)); smsg.ifn.nifaddrs = ifn->ifaddrssize; smsg.ifn.laddr6count = ifn->laddrs6count; smsg.ifn.laddr4count = ifn->laddrs4count; smsg.ifn.npeers = ifn->peerssize; if (wire_sendmsg(ifn->mastwithifn, SIFN, &smsg.ifn, sizeof(smsg.ifn)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SIFN %s", __func__, ifn->ifname); /* first send interface addresses */ for (n = 0; n < ifn->ifaddrssize; n++) { ifaddr = ifn->ifaddrs[n]; memset(&smsg.cidraddr, 0, sizeof(smsg.cidraddr)); smsg.cidraddr.ifnid = ifnid; smsg.cidraddr.prefixlen = ifaddr->prefixlen; memcpy(&smsg.cidraddr.addr, &ifaddr->addr, sizeof(smsg.cidraddr.addr)); if (wire_sendmsg(ifn->mastwithifn, SCIDRADDR, &smsg.cidraddr, sizeof(smsg.cidraddr)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg interface SCIDRADDR", __func__); } /* then listen addresses */ for (n = 0; n < ifn->laddrs6count; n++) { memset(&smsg.cidraddr, 0, sizeof smsg.cidraddr); smsg.cidraddr.ifnid = ifnid; memcpy(&smsg.cidraddr.addr, &ifn->laddrs6[n], sizeof ifn->laddrs6[n]); if (wire_sendmsg(ifn->mastwithifn, SCIDRADDR, &smsg.cidraddr, sizeof smsg.cidraddr) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg local addr %d out of %zu", __func__, n, ifn->laddrs6count); } for (n = 0; n < ifn->laddrs4count; n++) { memset(&smsg.cidraddr, 0, sizeof smsg.cidraddr); smsg.cidraddr.ifnid = ifnid; memcpy(&smsg.cidraddr.addr, &ifn->laddrs4[n], sizeof ifn->laddrs4[n]); if (wire_sendmsg(ifn->mastwithifn, SCIDRADDR, &smsg.cidraddr, sizeof smsg.cidraddr) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg local addr %d SCIDRADDR", __func__, n); } /* at last send the peers */ for (m = 0; m < ifn->peerssize; m++) { peer = ifn->peers[m]; memset(&smsg.peer, 0, sizeof(smsg.peer)); smsg.peer.ifnid = ifnid; smsg.peer.peerid = m; snprintf(smsg.peer.name, sizeof(smsg.peer.name), "%s", peer->name); smsg.peer.nallowedips = peer->allowedipssize; memcpy(&smsg.peer.fsa, &peer->fsa, sizeof(smsg.peer.fsa)); if (wire_sendmsg(ifn->mastwithifn, SPEER, &smsg.peer, sizeof(smsg.peer)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SPEER %zu", __func__, m); for (n = 0; n < peer->allowedipssize; n++) { allowedip = peer->allowedips[n]; memset(&smsg.cidraddr, 0, sizeof(smsg.cidraddr)); smsg.cidraddr.ifnid = ifnid; smsg.cidraddr.peerid = m; smsg.cidraddr.prefixlen = allowedip->prefixlen; memcpy(&smsg.cidraddr.addr, &allowedip->addr, sizeof(smsg.cidraddr.addr)); if (wire_sendmsg(ifn->mastwithifn, SCIDRADDR, &smsg.cidraddr, sizeof(smsg.cidraddr)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg peer %d allowedip" " %d SCIDRADDR", __func__, m, n); } } /* wait with end of startup signal */ explicit_bzero(&smsg, sizeof(smsg)); if (verbose > 2) logdebugx("config sent to %s %d", ifn->ifname, ifn->mastwithifn); } /* * Signal end of configuration. */ void signal_eos(union smsg smsg, int mastport) { memset(&smsg, 0, sizeof(smsg)); if (wire_sendmsg(mastport, SEOS, &smsg.eos, sizeof(smsg.eos)) == -1) logexitx(1, "%s wire_sendmsg SEOS %d", __func__, mastport); }